Inspirational events in the life of Nelson Mandela

Dear Readers, Here we are witnessing an inspiring event in the life of South African President Nelson Mandela. So maybe we can learn a little bit, and learn how to behave in society. When Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa, he once went to have dinner with his bodyguards at a hotel in the city. Everyone ordered the meal they liked. And they waited for the meal to come. At the same time, a man was sitting in front of Nelson Mandela's chair. He was also waiting for the meal he ordered to arrive. Seeing him, Mandela tells his bodyguard that the person in front is sitting. Bring him to eat with you. The bodyguard called the man. And he told us to have dinner with him. The man was having a meal without saying anything. His limbs were shaking. After a while the meal was over and the man walked away quietly without saying a word. When he left, the bodyguard told Mandela that the man was ill, so his limbs were shaking....